Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) Compliance Statement
Zenith Venture Capital Fund ("Zenith" or "the Fund") acknowledges the critical importance of considering Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors in its investment decision-making process. While we recognise all three ESG aspects, Zenith places a particular emphasis on the 'Social' dimension, focusing on human capital, societal impact, and the promotion of better governance standards. As a financial market participant, Zenith understands its obligations under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) of the European Union (EU) and is dedicated to aligning its strategies and operations with the principles and disclosure requirements under the regulation.
The Fund is classified as an Article 8 product under SFDR, reflecting that the promotion of environmental or social characteristics is integral to our investment policy.
Integration of Sustainability Risks
Zenith has integrated sustainability risks into its investment decision-making process. These risks, particularly those with social implications, are considered at every stage, from due diligence to ongoing portfolio management. Our belief is that recognising and addressing these risks can not only improve long-term financial returns, but also drive positive social change.

Consideration of Adverse Sustainability Impacts
The Fund acknowledges that its investment decisions can have adverse impacts on sustainability factors. Zenith prioritises investments that consider and mitigate these potential adverse impacts, with a distinct emphasis on investments contributing to social progress. We aim to avoid investments with significant adverse impacts, focusing instead on those that support improved social outcomes.
Transparency and Disclosures
Zenith is committed to providing clear, comprehensive, and regular disclosures regarding its approach to integrating ESG considerations, with an accent on social factors, into its investment decisions. The Fund will comply with SFDR’s requirements, publishing these disclosures on its website.
The Fund’s disclosures will include:
1. Information about its policies on the integration of sustainability risks in the investment decision-making process.
2. A description of the principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors, with a particular focus on social factors, and the actions taken to address them.
3. Information about the remuneration policies in relation to their alignment with the integration of sustainability risks.
Zenith's particular focus on social factors underpins our commitment to playing an active role in sustainable finance. By integrating ESG considerations into our investment processes, with a focus on social aspects, and providing transparent disclosures in line with the SFDR, we aim to deliver sustainable, long-term value to all our stakeholders. This approach supports our belief that investments can and should be a force for societal good.
This statement is intended to fulfil the disclosure requirements under the SFDR. For more detailed information, please refer to anyone here at Zenith.